For 43 years, Lion Arthur “Art” Girio was a faithful member of the Williamsport Lions Club and brought dedication, commitment, and fellowship to its members past and present. Lion Art Girio was a model member for all of us and was committed to the causes of Lionism. Lion Art was a Past District Governor of District14-G. He was a Pennsylvania Lion Fellow and a Melvin Jones Fellow.
In 1992 the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation was formed to help fund the Lions Club projects within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This helps the local Lions Clubs carry out the mission of providing services to improve quality of life and meet the needs of Pennsylvania residents. Lion Art was a founding member of the foundation having donated his own money, along with others, to help start the fund. In addition to being named a Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Fellow he was a Five-Diamond Progressive Fellow and, and Past International Joseph Wroblewski Award recipient. He served as the Executive Director of the foundation for over twenty-five years.
We commit to PDG Art’s legacy and deeds that we all do in the name of Service to Humanity. He was a tireless worker continuously raising money for the work of Lions Clubs.
In 1992 the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation was formed to help fund the Lions Club projects within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This helps the local Lions Clubs carry out the mission of providing services to improve quality of life and meet the needs of Pennsylvania residents. Lion Art was a founding member of the foundation having donated his own money, along with others, to help start the fund. In addition to being named a Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Fellow he was a Five-Diamond Progressive Fellow and, and Past International Joseph Wroblewski Award recipient. He served as the Executive Director of the foundation for over twenty-five years.
We commit to PDG Art’s legacy and deeds that we all do in the name of Service to Humanity. He was a tireless worker continuously raising money for the work of Lions Clubs.
Award Process
To remember PDG Art’s commitment to the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation, the Board has created: The Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation, PDG Arthur “Art” Girio, Board of Directors Excellence Award. This award will be determined and presented as follows:
Nomination/Voting Process – At the July Board of Directors meeting the Board Members present will nominate/vote candidates based on a secret ballet.
Selection Process – Candidate selection should consider the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation board members responsibilities and portrait of an idea board member as spelled out in the LOPF Handbook. PDG Art Girio’s service to the Foundation and to Lionism should be used as examples of the exemplary Service.
Awards Committee – Awards Committee will consist of the Board President, Vice President, Executive Director, and Awards Committee Chairperson as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Announcement of Results – At the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation dinner held in conjunction with the Second State Council Meeting in October/November, the award will be presented to the year’s recipient.
Award - The recipient of the award will receive a plaque at the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation dinner. A $500.00 donation will be made from the Lions of PA Foundation to Camp Victory in the recipient’s name.
Nomination/Voting Process – At the July Board of Directors meeting the Board Members present will nominate/vote candidates based on a secret ballet.
Selection Process – Candidate selection should consider the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation board members responsibilities and portrait of an idea board member as spelled out in the LOPF Handbook. PDG Art Girio’s service to the Foundation and to Lionism should be used as examples of the exemplary Service.
Awards Committee – Awards Committee will consist of the Board President, Vice President, Executive Director, and Awards Committee Chairperson as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Announcement of Results – At the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation dinner held in conjunction with the Second State Council Meeting in October/November, the award will be presented to the year’s recipient.
Award - The recipient of the award will receive a plaque at the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation dinner. A $500.00 donation will be made from the Lions of PA Foundation to Camp Victory in the recipient’s name.
Art's History
PDG Art was a founding Director of Camp Victory, a camp for special needs children in Millville, PA. With the help of a Lions Clubs International Foundation Grant, Camp Victory was formed to provide terminally ill children a place to go and be a kid again, if only for a short while. Lion Art was the District Governor the year the came was formed. To honor the recipient of this recognition, along with the legacy of Art Girio both to the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation and to Camp Victory, the $500.00 donation will be made to the Camp.
Features of members required for nomination
To help in the decision making of what Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Board Member to recognize, the following can be considered as they are already parts of the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation definition of a board member from the foundation’s handbook.
A Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Board Member’s responsibilities embrace the following:
1. To develop and maintain an awareness of the Foundation’s importance to the quality of life throughout the state.
2. To communicate this understanding to other people and institutions in the community and state.
3. To attend meetings, activities, and to make visits to the clubs with reasonable regularity.
4. With the help of the Officers and other Board members, learn all you can about the Foundation and how it works so that you are knowledgeable.
5. To volunteer or be available for committee assignments and other activities for the good of the Foundation.
6. To help the financial position of the Foundation through personal contributions, seeking contributions through the Pennsylvania Fellows program, contributing memberships, and other promotions.
A Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Board Member’s responsibilities embrace the following:
1. To develop and maintain an awareness of the Foundation’s importance to the quality of life throughout the state.
2. To communicate this understanding to other people and institutions in the community and state.
3. To attend meetings, activities, and to make visits to the clubs with reasonable regularity.
4. With the help of the Officers and other Board members, learn all you can about the Foundation and how it works so that you are knowledgeable.
5. To volunteer or be available for committee assignments and other activities for the good of the Foundation.
6. To help the financial position of the Foundation through personal contributions, seeking contributions through the Pennsylvania Fellows program, contributing memberships, and other promotions.
Portrait of an Ideal Board Member*
An effective Board will solve all—yes, all—the problems of building and maintaining The Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation: financial, administratively, and be active in planning for its future, and whatever else there is. The effective Board is successful only because of the individual members doing their job. Thus, find good Board Members and you will have a successful organization.
What does the Ideal Board Member look like?
The Ideal Board Member is…
A Leader: Followers need not apply, accept only leaders! Financial, political, social, educational.
A Worker: Find someone with the old fashion work ethic; one who wants and needs to work in order to be fulfilled.
A Giver: Of time, care, concern, and money. Let’s face it, it is expensive to be a volunteer. You are properly expected to set the standard for the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation for contributions to the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation.
A Goer: How can you really tell someone (the community) of the wondrous experience of the last Board & Committee Meeting?
A Persuader: It’s really not advice the organization is after. They need someone to persuade friends, business, government, and the community to help support the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation so that grants may be awarded.
Committed: It cannot and will not happen unless one truly expects results.
Tenacious: Suppose the first two prospects turn you down?
Dependable: All is for naught unless you can depend on the task being completed.
Enthusiastic: An absolute must! And if they don’t have it, (no matter what other virtues they possess) keep looking!
Knowledgeable: Not necessarily a PhD, but intelligent and gifted with common sense.
This *idea was taken from Ralph Black, Vice President for In Field Consulting American Symphony Orchestra League.
A Leader: Followers need not apply, accept only leaders! Financial, political, social, educational.
A Worker: Find someone with the old fashion work ethic; one who wants and needs to work in order to be fulfilled.
A Giver: Of time, care, concern, and money. Let’s face it, it is expensive to be a volunteer. You are properly expected to set the standard for the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation for contributions to the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation.
A Goer: How can you really tell someone (the community) of the wondrous experience of the last Board & Committee Meeting?
A Persuader: It’s really not advice the organization is after. They need someone to persuade friends, business, government, and the community to help support the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation so that grants may be awarded.
Committed: It cannot and will not happen unless one truly expects results.
Tenacious: Suppose the first two prospects turn you down?
Dependable: All is for naught unless you can depend on the task being completed.
Enthusiastic: An absolute must! And if they don’t have it, (no matter what other virtues they possess) keep looking!
Knowledgeable: Not necessarily a PhD, but intelligent and gifted with common sense.
This *idea was taken from Ralph Black, Vice President for In Field Consulting American Symphony Orchestra League.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held on the Saturday at the first regular State Council meeting after the close of the Annual Convention of the Multiple District Fourteen of the Lions International at the city in which said State Council meeting is held. Thereafter, an annual meeting of the members shall be held in each year. The first regular meeting shall be conducted after the close of the Annual Convention of the Multiple District Fourteen meeting of the Pennsylvania State Council of Lions Club and in the same city in which said State Council meeting is held for the purpose of hearing reports of the officers and directors of the Corporation and for transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.
Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members may be called by the chairperson of the Pennsylvania State Council of Lions Clubs and the President of the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation at their joint direction, or shall be called by the President of the Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation upon the written request addressed to said President of a majority of the Foundation’s voting members. The time and place of any special meeting shall be determined by the President and the call shall be made by the President or the Secretary at the direction of the President. The meeting shall be called within a period not to exceed 30 days following the request for a special meeting.
If you would like to learn more about what the Lions of PA Foundation does, check our FAQs page.
If you would like to learn more about what the Lions of PA Foundation does, check our FAQs page.